Dear Wayfarer Partners,
Our world is undergoing a period of historic strife and change. It took a virus to remind us of the festering evils of racism and reveal the cracks and gaping holes in our system and the injustices suffered by our BIPOC brothers and sisters. Centuries of racist policies and discriminatory practices continue to adversely impact communities of color in education, housing, and employment and are a barrier to health equity. The reality is that our systems continue to favor one group of people over the other.
Now more than ever, those who claim to believe in the oneness of humanity must band together and challenge the injustices faced by too many. The world needs individuals and organizations willing to question the dominant narrative, disrupt the status quo, and work toward building more equitable systems for all. Recognizing our common humanity is the first step towards change.
At New Era Creative Space, we recognize this imbalance and strive daily to create a more just world. We work diligently to enable strong communities that are just, vibrant, thriving, self-sustaining, and diverse, where young people learn to work together and use their talents to better themselves and their communities. This, we believe, fits hand in hand with the Wayfarer Way.
We not only reflect Wayfarer’s mission of advancing justice, nurturing spirituality, embracing community, and cultivating resilience, but we embody it. Partnering with Wayfarer has enabled us to address some of the injustices and will allow us to make a lasting impact in our community and, in turn, the world.
As troubling as the current state of affairs, it is ripe with opportunities to collaborate, build relationships, learn from our past and one another, share resources, and begin to seed justice in our neighborhoods, cities, country, and ultimately the world.
I look forward to learning and growing with the Wayfarer community of partners.
In harmony,
Ridvan Idara
Executive Director, NECS