We work with others on an independent search for truth to shine a light on justice, craft and implement root-level solutions to our world’s most complex problems, and bring us closer to appreciating the oneness of humanity.
The philanthropic sector has too often underfunded BIPOC-led nonprofits and the on-the-ground organizations who have the greatest potential to solve our world’s most intractable problems.
1. In 2014, only 7.4% of all philanthropy (from individuals as well as institutions) was given for people of color, while foundation funding focused on reaching people of color has never exceeded 8.5%, according to the Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity. “The proportion of money given specifically for African Americans and Natives actually decreased between 2005 and 2014.” (6)
2. “The revenues of Black-led organizations are 45% smaller than those of white-led organizations, and the unrestricted net assets of the Black-led organizations are a whopping 91% smaller than the white-led organizations — despite focusing on the same work.” (7)
Wayfarer Foundation works with these inequities in mind, striving to help forge a different path for the future — one of justice, equity, and true belonging. Wayfarer Foundation utilizes its position within the philanthropic sector to advance justice — particularly through providing funding and professional development opportunities to communities routinely passed over for traditional support.
In 2022, we launched our Emerging Leaders programs (the Youth Cohort and Wayfarer Fellows), designed to cultivate BIPOC and other underrepresented young people as spiritually-rooted and imaginative leaders.
We will support a diverse pipeline for the philanthropic sector through these programs.
Youth Cohort: Launched in August 2022, 10 gifted youth (80% BIPOC) received a stipend to gather monthly and build community, engage in spiritual practices, and learn about justice and philanthropy. In 2023, they will design a grantmaking process that awards $90,000 to grassroots nonprofits of their choice.
Wayfarer Fellows: We started a paid Fellowship for university students to take a deep dive into philanthropy and grow through a process of reflection, action, and consultation. Two brilliant students (100% BIPOC) served as interns in 2022 and were immense gifts to Wayfarer Foundation. Fellow Alex Oishi said, “My time interning at Wayfarer has given me an amazing experience to have hands-on learning about the field of philanthropy in a uniquely justice-rooted way. My time here combining the spiritual aspects of our work and our philanthropic giving has been a great opportunity for me to grow in my learning of this sector.”
In addition to our Emerging Leadership programs, we also prioritize justice in our own giving. In 2022, 63% of our dollars went to BIPOC-led organizations.
The Tahirih Justice Center is a national nonprofit that supports immigrant women and other survivors of gender-based violence seeking safety and justice. They have served over 30,000 immigrant survivors fleeing gender-based violence since 1997, and they envision a world where justice is accessible to all, irrespective of borders, gender, race, or wealth.
Equitable justice will enable humanity to recognize its inherent oneness, realize gender equality, and achieve unity. Tahirih’s interdisciplinary, trauma-informed service model combines free legal services and social services case management with bridge-building policy advocacy, training, and education. They amplify the voices of survivors in communities, courts, and Congress to create a world where everyone can live safely and with dignity. They now deliver their services from five locations, and they’re committed to serving as many immigrant survivors as possible.
Tahirih Justice Center
(6) Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity, 2014
(7) Bridgespan Group, 2019